How To Remove And Reinstall A Raw Water Pump Impeller On A Volvo Penta Gen V Engine

In this video, we look at how to remove and reinstall a raw water pump impeller on a Volvo Penta Gen V marine engine. The process is quite simple, and just some of the routine maintenance that all boats require. Our video shows you all the tools needed to complete the job as well as the method for removing and reinstalling a raw water impeller for a Volvo Penta Gen V marine engine. Even if you rely on your regular boat servicing for the routine replacement of your raw water pump impeller, we always suggest that boat owners learn this skill for themselves as well. Impellers a quick and easy to replace, and knowing how to do it yourself makes sure you can get your boat back on the water quickly without having to wait for a marine mechanic to come out to work on your boat. However, if you are having trouble with impeller replacement, feel free to get in touch with us.